We are new to Elmwood, I’m finding all these uniform requirements difficult to understand…

For new students it is best to schedule an online zoom appointment with one of our parent volunteers – this will help you to understand what you need and is a great opportunity to ask any questions! We can even help you figure out what sizes if you want.  Please email us at uniformshop@elmwood.ca and we will find a time that is convenient for you. *During COVID we have been exclusively online to ensure the health and safety of everyone involved*

When and where do we purchase uniform items?

All uniform items are to be purchased through the Eagle’s Nest (Uniform Shop) at School. The shop is usually open the last 2 weeks of August and then regularly during the year on Wednesdays from 8-10 am. *During COVID we have been exclusively online to ensure the health and safety of everyone involved*

What is the Number 1 uniform and when do they wear it?

The Number 1 uniform is worn by all girls in Junior, Middle and Senior Schools on Wednesdays (weekly assembly) as well as on any other special occasion (i.e. Remembrance Day assembly). It is also worn on almost all field trips (occasionally there is an athletic or outdoor field trip that may require different dress). Please see the Uniform Guidelines Section for help.

***Early Years: Our youngest girls do not have a Number 1 uniform – they are either in the summer uniform or winter uniform every day. A notification will be sent out to parents on Schoology ahead of the switch – some years it seems to get colder sooner in the fall and warmer sooner in the spring! 

Do you offer any discounted slightly used items?

The Shop does carry some items on consignment – For Junior School: Tunics, and for Middle/Senior School: Skirts and Blazers.

We do not always have all sizes or styles available – please email us and we will work with you to get you into the correct size/fit.

What kind of school shoes should we purchase?

Early Years

Indoor Shoes: Plain black polishable leather dress shoes, heel no more than 1". These can be oxford, loafer or Mary-Jane style shoes (no boots, sandals or slides). For Early Years we recommend a shoe that the girls can put on themselves, Velcro Mary-Janes are best at this age. They can be purchased at any local or online retailers.

Outdoor Shoes: Any athletic outdoor shoes or weather-appropriate footwear (rain boots, snow boots, etc).

Junior School:

Indoor Shoes: Plain black polishable leather dress shoes, heel no more than 1". These can be oxford, loafer or Mary-Jane style shoes (no boots, sandals or slides). They can be purchased at any local or online retailers. From the start of the year, the girls will change for gym class and should have non-marking athletic shoes with them.

Outdoor Shoes: Any athletic outdoor shoes or weather-appropriate footwear (rain boots, snow boots, etc).

Middle/Senior School

Plain black polishable leather dress shoes, heel no more than 1". These can be oxford, loafer, flat or Mary-Jane style shoes (no boots, sandals or slides). They can be purchased at any local or online retailers. 

*If you are unsure, please contact the Eagle's Nest for help: uniformshop@elmwood.ca*

Are there any uniform guidelines on outdoor wear or bags?

Elmwood does not have any guidelines for outerwear. Girls may wear any colour or style of rain/winter/spring/fall jacket that they choose. Backpacks/school bags may also be of any style colour.

What school supplies do I need to get?

Early Years: Girls should bring a bag with a change of clothes as well as the correct outdoor wear for the day. Any other supplies needed will be supplied by the teacher.

Junior School: Girls should bring a backpack (any style/colour), water bottle and a reusable lunch kit (if not on the meal plan). Any other supplies needed will be supplied by the teacher.

Middle/Senior School: Girls should bring a backpack (any style/colour), water bottle and a reusable lunch kit (if not on the meal plan). Middle/Senior girls will be using a MacBook for a large part of their work – you can supply your own or order one through the school. Some girls still like to take hand notes, etc. Is it recommended to wait until after the first few days of classes to determine what might be needed for each class. 

How do I pay for my child’s uniform?

You will receive a bill once a month that will include any uniform purchases you or your daughter may have made, as well as Bistro charges, Field trips charges, etc.

Who do I contact with regards to my child’s account?

You can contact the finance department by email - they are always helpful! csproule@elmwood.ca 

Are there any rules about hair, makeup, etc?

At Elmwood we want all girls to look and feel their best, however we ask that hair be of a natural colour. Hair accessories (headbands, hair ties, scrunchies) should be neutral or School colours: green, gold, white, black. Nails should also be natural (no polish, no false nails). Makeup can be worn by the older girls as long as it is also natural and discreet.